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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

desperate times call for desperate measures?

so obviously, we all know that I gonna post before I lose lol...

I had an epic fail of a morning too.
I was doing good with just fruit... and even passed the orange juice up...
then I was working hot line and had a total binge or a morning.. bacon and cheesy potatoes puffs..

then oat meal.. a few pieces of chocolate...

its not even 12 yet..
so all im eating for the rest of the day is veggies and my tootsie roll...

im taking a nap then working out...

I also found my green tea diet pills...
Im gonna start using them again. I mean, hey, they cant hurt right?

stole some laxatives from work... lol
so im gonna do those tonight, and tomorrow and hopefully that will clean me out for the most part... I want to be bak to 161 this weekend... then see 159 next week...

gerrrr I need to learn to love to starve again...



  1. I've always wanted to try laxies, scared about what could go wrong though! haha

    Once you get into the swing of not eating much again you'll be fine lovely, we're all here for you :D

  2. ew laxies. blech. nasty. most painful five minutes of my life. and then my ass burns for thte rest of the night.

