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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


SO I practically died at lifeguard training.. haha... If any of you have swam competitively you would know that 650 yards is NOTHING... but yea.. I was obviously able to do it... but I basically died lol. SO Im considering that my work out today.

Anyway... today I keep forgetting to eat lol

Breakfast: 195 cals
snack: blue slush: ~200 Im thinkin... it was a 16 oz cup, and its 100 cals for 6 oz but I didnt drink it all probably baout 3/4 ?... idk

then I hung out with friends all day so didnt eat and now its like 5:45 and im eatinh oatmeal with almonds and blueberrys 250 for it all

Total:645+what ever I eat for dinner... ehh not bad

I have sooo much to tell you guys!! I just don't have time right now!! But i'll let you know tonight!

...oh and I broke a goal lol... I got on the scale midday lol... only gained a pound so that was cool... tomorrow looks promising

Love you all :]


  1. 650 yrds =/ tht really is nothing. but hey its better thn nothing =]

  2. I wish I only got on my scale in the morning like I'm supposed to. But that doesn't happen, unless I happen to be gone all day. There's almost always gain throughout the day b/n food or liquid. I hate it but I have to check it isn't getting too high. I'm weird, lol. Hope tomorrow turns out to be as promising as you hope!
