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Friday, November 18, 2011

Today. 25 down.

Today is the day that I'm supposed to hit 163.8

I told myself I wouldn't let myself go to Michigan State this weekend to tailgate with my faily and party and what not, unless I hit that.

I woke up at exactly 164.... so I was pissed... my scales are being stupid...up and down, one was lower than the other one when is it always 1 pounds more... then it said I was 161...

So I decided to just drink water all day... popped a few laxatives... Haven't done that in forever so I'm not concerned.

Good news is that I'm down to 163.6... so far lol.

I ate food late last night... and a lot of food during the day... so I know that a majority of this is food weight... and now that I'm in the 163's I'll at least be able to go tonight and tomorrow lol.

so now i'm just chugging water... waiting for the laxatives to finish... maybe I'll even get down a little more...

I was supposed to have a water fast day 1 day each month.... and I really should do it today since I've been doing it since I woke up at 9 and now its 4... but I'm prob going to eat a special K protein bar and a greek yogurt... I need to drive tonight and my night vision is horrible, then place not eating for 24 hours on top of that... may kill someone :) haha

So yay! Finally hit my 163 goal mark... I thought it would feel better than it does lol... but o well.

My original goal was to lose 40 pounds from August 1st to the new year, But since I usually make these extensive goals and then hardly make any progress, I'm pretty happy with where I am at. So my main goal for the new year is 158.8 that's a 30 pound drop, and it's def possible.

Pray for me that I'll have some control on eating tomorrow... pancakes and sausage... then chili after the game... jeeeez.

Love you girls,
hope all is well.

So excited for winter break so I can catch up with everyone again!!



  1. Have fun! Pretend you saw someone sneeze into the pancake batter... and you know sausages are made from horse butts right?? ;)
