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Thursday, June 10, 2010


Ok, So I went and layed outside with my mom to get our tan on lol. This morning i still only drank that diet shake thing, and then 1/2 a serving of craisins for a snack (like 65 cals). I come back in after tanning and change (when Im naked I just weight myself lol, I promise im not obsessed lol... I guess I just like the fact of knowing??) 172.5?!?! ok, now I know my whole water levels are messed up, maybe I just sweated out my extra water when I was out tanning?? my bloating DID go down since this morning tho so I guess thats y? Or maybe its this fantastic diet drink think? idek! I think I gonna be living on those now! I love the taste and they fill me up!! plus, some friut later on after my nap :]

But im not going to know my true weight till probably sat or sunday when you know what decides to leave lol

Im going to try to limit myself to sleeping for 1.5 hours haha because since I didn't sleep last night... usually I could sleep for like 9 haha SO Im gonna wake up around 4ish, drink with that diet shake, or a carnation drink (google if you havent heard of it, kind of the same concept) or a protein shake... head to the gym for an hour ish, hopefully try and run 1.5 miles straigh through at around 6 miles an hour... Im not an amazing runner my I sure am trying! and then maybe bike 10 miles? I love to bike :] hmmm possible elliptical?? well wait, 10 miles on bike: around 27-30 mins 1.5 miles ran plus some walking for warm up and cool down will be about 20 min so that may be enough cardio, then ill do free weights and some crunches!! :D

And then dinner after, Ill be eating a pretty legit meal tonight due to the fact that my metabolism will be boosted from the cardio! :D

Well beautiful chicas! thankss for reading!!


  1. Craisins are yummy! Good luck with the rest of your day!

  2. Good luck! I hate being bloated. I love biking. I go to the gym 3 times a week at 8am, and I bike everyday for fun. That's how I keep my weight in control. I like taking pictures of food, so I eat a lot.

