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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So. Today.

Brad came over for lunch. Made him a delicious sandwhich. Myself a "bread-less" sandwhich, basically all the fix-ins except rolled in lettuce.

Then. Im not sure if it was the bread I was craving or what. Put I pulled out a bag of gordettos and me and brad almost finished the thing off.... legit ate like 500 cals of that. then... I had 2 pieces of toast like 4 hours later and a chunch and a half of darjj chocolate... which actually wasnt that many cals at all.

So today was not my best, but also could have been worse.
I got a total fo 40 minutes in on my bike and 30 mins in the pools swimming laps. Not to mention swim lessons, where I actually am moving around quite a lot.

Eating dinner now: Watermelon chunks and tuna pasta salad.

So im just hoping i can stay at no higher than 170 for tomorrow... preferable 169 lol.

Tomorrow should be better tho... I am just losing my motivation. and I can't let that happen. This weekend I have no work so gym WILL happen :D :D :D

You girls amaze me and are all doing so great!
I can't believe how low a weight some of you have reached!!
Im just REALLY hoping for 149 before college starts back up.
If I can start college at that weight, Ill be legit happy :D

Talk to you all later, off to read your posts!!


1 comment:

  1. I like how you say 'legit' all the time in your blogs, the way you use it to emphasize certain things. :) Just thought I'd say that.
